Hello beYOUties,

Self-Love does not start or stop at a boudoir shoot, coaching session or fitness class. Self-Love is a journey and we have THE place to facilitate that!

Be You. Uplifted is a community of women who have come together to support each other as we embark our journey. A self-love journey is a personal journey and different for everyone, but that doesn't mean we have to go it alone.

If you are in need of some encouragement and a little nudge, whether you are just starting your journey or you are well on your way to feeling that LOVE...Be You. Uplifted is for YOU!

Within this community, we discuss all areas of self-love, which include self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-care, self-pleasure and self-confidence.

We challenge each other, discuss the topics and host events...all in an attempt to help you succeed on your journey.

Our weekly newsletter is the perfect addition to our Facebook Group, Be You. Uplifted.

Every Sunday, our newsletter will be sent to your inbox. We reflect back on what the previous week brought us...and we set the intentions (and topic) for the week ahead.

If you are not on Facebook, you can still feel a part of the community. You may miss out on conversations as they happen, but you will be able to join our events and you still have the accountability you need.

We cannot wait to meet you!!

with LOVE and a smile,

Emma and Julie, your Be You. Uplifted hosts!

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We love CELEBRATING birthdays by shouting out to the birthday girl!!
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